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Engineering activity in construction
Design activity in the field of steel construction production

Reference - 2000
Steel construction of platforms for the air handling unit
Steel construction of the container
Steel structure of a platform for technology in the petrochemical industry
Steel structure of platforms for technology in the petrochemical industry
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel construction of platforms for the air handling unit
Steel structure of the stair tower with a roof footbridge
Steel construction of platforms for the air handling unit
Steel structure of production and storage hall
Steel structure of the workshop hall
Steel structure of the shelter
Steel structure of the shelter
Steel structure of the shelter
Steel structure of the shelter
Steel structure of the warehouse hall
Steel structure of the cold hall
Steel structure of the power unit building
Posun nahoru
IČ: 25862367, DIČ:CZ25862367 obch.rejstřík vedený Krajským soudem v Ostravě oddíl C, vložka 22835