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Engineering activity in construction
Design activity in the field of steel construction production

Reference - 2004
Steel construction of technological platforms
Steel structure of a protective object for the elimination of dioxins
Steel structure of a protective object for the elimination of dioxins
Steel structure of a protective object for the elimination of dioxins
Built-in steel structure for offices
Steel construction of technological bridges
Steel structure of the warehouse hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure for technologies in the chemical industry
Steel structure of the access footbridge
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel construction of technological bridges
Steel construction of technological bridges
Steel construction of shelters
Steel construction of shelters
Auxiliary steel cladding construction for the reinforced concrete skeleton of the supermarket
Auxiliary steel cladding construction for the reinforced concrete skeleton of the supermarket
Steel structure of the gym roof
Steel structure of the gym roof
Steel structure of the production hall of the pump service
Steel structure of the production hall of the pump service
Steel structure of the production hall extension
Steel structure of the supermarket hall with a garden assortment
Steel structure of the supermarket hall with a garden assortment
Steel structure of the supermarket hall with a garden assortment
Steel structure of a warehouse for plastic products
Steel structure of the production hall with an office building
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the warehouse hall
Steel structure of the warehouse hall
Steel structure for technologies in the chemical industry
Steel structure for technologies in the chemical industry
Steel structure of the shelter
Steel structure of the built-in technological platform
Steel structure of the built-in technological platform
Steel structure of a bridge with a tilted track for a go-kart racetrack
Steel structure of a bridge with a tilted track for a go-kart racetrack
Steel structure of a bridge with a tilted track for a go-kart racetrack
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Posun nahoru
IČ: 25862367, DIČ:CZ25862367 obch.rejstřík vedený Krajským soudem v Ostravě oddíl C, vložka 22835