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Engineering activity in construction
Design activity in the field of steel construction production

Reference - 2007
Steel structure of a pigsty roof
Steel structure of the locomotive transfer station hall
Steel staircase construction
Steel structure of the gas station roof
Steel structure of the hall for cleaning rail vehicles
Steel structure of the printer operation hall
Steel construction of the platform for pressure vessels
Steel structures for benzene distillation equipment
Steel structures for benzene distillation equipment
Steel structure of the pool roof
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel construction for the flue gas noise reduction system in the operation of the power plant
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the fire escape of a nursing home
Steel structure of the fire escape of a nursing home
Steel structure for the suction noise reduction system in power plant operation
Steel structure of the extension to the production hall
Steel structure of the warehouse hall
Steel structure of a commercial transport service vehicle depot
Steel structure of the warehouse hall
Steel structure of the warehouse hall
Steel structure of a two-aisle assembly hall
Steel structure of a two-aisle assembly hall
Steel structure of the logistics center hall
Steel structure of the warehouse extension
Steel structure of the warehouse roof
Steel structure of the warehouse hall
Steel structure of the cooling tower of the heating plant for FANS a.s.
Steel structure of the cooling tower of the heating plant for FANS a.s.
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of a refinery building
Steel structure of a refinery building
Steel structure of the cooling tower of the heating plant for FANS a.s.
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Posun nahoru
IČ: 25862367, DIČ:CZ25862367 obch.rejstřík vedený Krajským soudem v Ostravě oddíl C, vložka 22835