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Engineering activity in construction
Design activity in the field of steel construction production

Reference - 2011
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structures for refinery
Steel structure of the production hall of rail vehicles
Steel structure of the production hall of rail vehicles
Steel structure of the production hall of rail vehicles
Steel structure of the production hall of rail vehicles
Steel structure of the production hall of rail vehicles
Steel structure of the production hall of rail vehicles
Steel structure of the shelter for buses
Steel structure of the shelter for buses
Steel structure of the hall for dairy cows
Steel structure of the hall for dairy cows
Steel structure of the hall for dairy cows
Steel structure of an agricultural shed
Steel structure of an agricultural shed
Steel structure of a two-storey building for the installation of hazardous substances filtration technology
Steel structure of a two-storey building for the installation of hazardous substances filtration technology
Steel structure of a two-storey building for the installation of hazardous substances filtration technology
Steel structure of a two-storey building for the installation of hazardous substances filtration technology
Steel structure of a two-storey building for the installation of hazardous substances filtration technology
Steel construction of shelters
Steel construction of shelters
Steel construction of shelters
Steel construction of shelters
Steel construction of shelters
Steel structure of port bridges
Steel structure of port bridges
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the extension for the power plant engine room
Steel structure of the extension for the power plant engine room
Steel structure of the extension for the power plant engine room
Steel structure of the gas station roof
Steel structure of the carpenter's roof
Steel structure of the carpenter's roof
Steel structure of the stone sculpture shelter
Reconstruction of the steel structure of the roof of the production hall
Reconstruction of the steel structure of the roof of the production hall
Reconstruction of the steel structure of the roof of the production hall
Reconstruction of the steel structure of the roof of the production hall
Reconstruction of the steel structure of the roof of the production hall
Steel construction of platforms for air handling units
Steel construction of platforms for air handling units
Steel construction of platforms for air handling units
Steel structure of the shelter
Steel structure of the production hall with an administrative building
Steel structure of the production hall with an administrative building
Steel structure of the production hall with an administrative building
Steel structure of the production hall with an administrative building
Steel structure of the production hall with an administrative building
Steel structure of the shed for the waste collection yard
Steel structure of the shed for the waste collection yard
Steel structure of the production hall extension
Steel structure for advertising banner
Steel structure for advertising banner
Steel structure for advertising banner
Steel construction of platforms for operating gas pipeline units
Steel construction of platforms for operating gas pipeline units
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the shelter
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Steel construction of fixation of parts of glass furnaces and operation platforms  for HORN Glass Industries
Posun nahoru
IČ: 25862367, DIČ:CZ25862367 obch.rejstřík vedený Krajským soudem v Ostravě oddíl C, vložka 22835