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Engineering activity in construction
Design activity in the field of steel construction production

Reference - 2024
Steel platform and stairwell structure in production facility
Steel platform and stairwell structure in production facility
Steel platform and stairwell structure in production facility
Steel structure of warehouse hall
Steel structure of warehouse hall
Steel structure of warehouse hall
Steel structure of farm shed for cattle housing
Steel structure of farm shed for cattle housing
Steel structure of farm shed for cattle housing
Steel construction of the operational hall of the hospital's technical facilities
Steel construction of the operational hall of the hospital's technical facilities
Steel construction of the operational hall of the hospital's technical facilities
Secondary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Secondary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Secondary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Secondary steel structures, platform structures and awnings of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the warehouse hall
Secondary steel structures, platform structures and awnings of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the warehouse hall
Secondary steel structures, platform structures and awnings of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the warehouse hall
Steel structure of a lorry garage
Steel structure of a lorry garage
Steel structure of a lorry garage
Secondary steel structures as part of the refurbishment of old warehouse halls
Secondary steel structures as part of the refurbishment of old warehouse halls
Secondary steel structures as part of the refurbishment of old warehouse halls
Secondary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Secondary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Secondary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Secondary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Secondary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Secondary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Steel terrace structures and awnings of the family home
Steel structure of the hall service garage for trucks
Steel structure of the hall service garage for trucks
Steel structure of the hall service garage for trucks
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the railway platform roof
Steel structure of the railway platform roof
Steel structure of the railway platform roof
Steel structure of the railway platform roof
Steel structure of the railway platform roof
econdary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping park
econdary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping park
econdary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping park
econdary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping park
econdary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping park
econdary steel construction of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping park
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure for stone crushing technology
Steel structure for stone crushing technology
Steel structure for stone crushing technology
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the production hall
Steel structure of the platform for the META storage technology company event
Steel structure of the platform for the META storage technology company event
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Steel structure of the carpentry shed
Steel structure of the carpentry shed
Steel structure of the agricultural hall for cattle housing
Steel structure of the agricultural hall for cattle housing
Steel structure of the agricultural hall for cattle housing
Steel structure of the agricultural hall for cattle housing
Steel structure of the outdoor staircase
Steel structure of the shelter
Steel structure of the fuel terminal hall
Steel structure of the fuel terminal hall
Steel structure of the fuel terminal hall
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the shopping center
Steel structure of the service walkways for the META storage technology company event
Steel structure of the service walkways for the META storage technology company event
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production and storage hall
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production and storage hall
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production and storage hall
Secondary steel structures of the reinforced concrete skeleton of the production and storage hall
Steel structure of the roof of the wastewater treatment plant technology
Steel structure of the roof of the wastewater treatment plant technology
Steel structure for the steel mill technology
Steel structure for the steel mill technology
Steel structure of the shed for the agricultural building
Steel structure of the milking parlor hall
Steel structure of the milking parlor hall
Posun nahoru
IČ: 25862367, DIČ:CZ25862367 obch.rejstřík vedený Krajským soudem v Ostravě oddíl C, vložka 22835